AAFC welcomes the report of the Football Federation Australia (FFA) Congress Reform Working Group (CRWG) released yesterday.
“AAFC does not agree with the decision not to give us immediate inclusion in the Congress. “However, the objective of the Working Group was to come up with a workable solution which would allow the game to start addressing the many issues we face. By necessity, when important work like this is done that requires agreement, all parties must compromise and we accept that is the case and are pleased to play our part,” said AAFC Chairman, Rabieh Krayem. “The important aspect is that we as a football community must face and deal with these issues together, with all stakeholders heading in the same direction with the best interests of the game at heart. “To that end, AAFC accepts the recommendations of the report as a way forward,” Krayem said. “We also appreciate the fact that the Working Group acknowledges and accepts that AAFC is a properly constituted association with significant runs on the board in our short history, and that, accordingly, our ‘pathway to Congress’ is fast-tracked.” Krayem said AAFC urges all existing stakeholders to accept the recommendations. “We recognise that some other stakeholders might not be satisfied with the report. Of those who have expressed concern, we have empathy for fans, as all of our members are also fans. “However, we would encourage the Football Supporters’ Association and other special interest groups to embrace the pathways to Congress model and continue to make a positive contribution by being part of the game.” Krayem said he trusts that FIFA and the AFC will accept the report and recommendations of the Working Group for agreement by the existing FFA Congress on September 7. “These governance issues have paralysed the game for too long. “AAFC urges the FFA Board, and the state federations that have indicated they do not agree with the report’s recommendations, to reconsider their position in the light of what is best for the game. “We are all custodians of the game; none of us own it; and it is time for all us involved in the game to put the game’s needs first,” Krayem said. ENDS Comments are closed.
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February 2022